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US Consultancy Scam: The Dark Side of IT Hiring and Its Market Impact

Shows a man cheating on a laptop trying to crack an interview
IT Job Scam


The IT industry in the United States, a hub of innovation and technological advancement, is grappling with a growing threat that jeopardizes its integrity and disrupts the job market. Corrupt consultancies are orchestrating an intricate web of deceit, targeting international students and manipulating the hiring process to an alarming extent. This article sheds light on the nefarious activities of these fraudulent consultancies, the adverse effects on the IT job market, and the urgent need for a crackdown to restore fairness.

The Modus Operandi

Corrupt consultancies exploit vulnerabilities in the hiring process, particularly targeting international students facing immigration-related pressures. The first step involves creating fake profiles that exaggerate candidates' work experience by at least 7-10 years, making them appear highly experienced and desirable to employers. Leveraging their industry knowledge, these consultancies tailor resumes to include all the elements that recruiters look for, increasing the chances of selection.

Once the fake profiles are established, the consultancies set their sights on remote or hybrid job opportunities, capitalizing on the virtual nature of these roles. Approximately 90% of the time, these fraudulent resumes make it past the initial screening, paving the way for further deception.

The Deceptive Interviews

To ensure success during interviews, these unscrupulous consultancies employ a range of tactics. They provide candidates with laptops and resources for cheating, including voiceovers, lip-syncing, and taking control of the screen during virtual interviews. They go to great lengths to create a facade of authenticity, going so far as to fabricate LinkedIn accounts with fictitious experiences, alter the age of the candidate on official documents, and forge green cards, visas, and entry details.

During the interview process, a technology expert proxy, often located in a different country, joins the session to handle the technical aspects, leaving the actual candidate to follow instructions mindlessly. Once the interview is successfully completed and if the candidate is selected, the pay is distributed among the candidate, the consultancy, and the individual who will actually be working on the project, often located overseas.

The Scale of the Scam

This fraudulent activity reached its zenith during the pandemic, taking advantage of the widespread shift to remote work. However, even as the world emerges from the pandemic, these consultancies continue to exploit weaknesses in the system, successfully duping employers and undermining the integrity of the hiring process.

The Consequences

The impact of these fraudulent consultancies is far-reaching. Competent and deserving individuals are being sidelined as unqualified candidates secure jobs through deceit. This not only hampers the professional growth of deserving candidates but also contributes to joblessness within the IT industry. Moreover, negotiations on pay rates, driven by unscrupulous consultancies willing to undercut the market, are pulling down compensation levels across the industry.

Call for Action

To mitigate this crisis, there is an urgent need for a concerted effort to identify and dismantle these fraudulent consultancies. Collaborative action from government agencies, industry associations, and corporations is essential to strengthen hiring processes, implement stringent background checks, and prosecute those engaged in fraudulent activities.


The rampant fraudulent activities perpetrated by corrupt consultancies in the IT industry pose a serious threat to the integrity of the job market. Urgent and decisive action is required to curb these practices, ensuring fair opportunities for all candidates and safeguarding the reputation of the industry. Only through a united front against such fraud can the IT job market be restored to a level playing field where competence and merit prevail. I believe this US consultancy scam needs cracking down on the dark side of IT hiring and be aware of the market impacts.

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